Colosseum & Gladiator Gate

Colosseum & Gladiator Gate

Preis ab € 65.70


Fantastisch 5.0

5.0 Bewertung von 1 Kunden
Kolosseum - Very Informative

our tour guide Sabrina gave a very amiable insight in the different ages on the history of Rome. The tour of Kolosseum with Forum Romanum is a nice introduction to Rome which we booked before the Vatikan Tour.

Thomas, Erlangen
FRE, 05 SEP 2014

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Colosseum & Gladiator Gate Info

Colosseum & Gladiator Gate
Once inside the Colosseo Metro station main level, take the escalator or walk up the steps to the upper level, Largo Gaetana Agnesi. Look for a representative holding a WHEN IN ROME TOURS sign here:
Largo Gaetana Agnesi
00184 Rome


Colosseum & Gladiator Gate
Jeden Tag um 08.45 Uhr oder 15:00 Uhr.



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+44 20 3870 3444 +44 20 3870 3444 E-mail E-mail

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